Heather Ross Classification Talk (with a Special Guest Appearance by Mom!)
August 5 Shrine Club Meeting
Heather Ross gave her Classification Talk today.
Heather started in Reading, MA then moved to Belfast then on to Worcester, MA (College of the Holy Cross) then on to Strasbourg, France, and Europe.  She then proceeded to Washington, D.C. where it was too hot!  From Washington she moved to Boston, MA where it was presumably cooler and then back to Belfast, Maine where she worked at the Inn at Ocean's Edge, Moss, Inc and Athena Health.  She has been at Athena Health for 8 years and is presently the Director of Customer Success.
We were joined today by Heather's Mom, Peg (who is not sleeping, I'm just a bad photographer):
Heather went on to speak about Athena Health which is NOT Aetna.  Athena provides something called AthenaNet which is a cloud-based platform for Health Providers whose goal is to provide accessible health care for the health providers and their patients with billing and database services in a single information system.
Next week we are going to try to hold a hybrid meeting.  It will be a combination Zoom and in-person meeting at the Shrine Club.  About a dozen participants at today's Zoom meeting indicated that they would go to the Shrine Club.  We discussed getting lunch at Jack's, Rollie's, or Bell the Cat but in the end, it was decided that everyone should brown-bag their lunch for the first meeting.  The listed eateries were suggested as possible places to obtain soup, a sandwich, or a salad for lunch at the Shrine Club.  In fact, those Zoom attendees can also obtain lunch at one of these fine establishments if they so choose.  The Chicken/Caesar Wrap from Jack's was recommended by Duke.  We will set up tables at the Shrine Club to maintain social distancing and allow only 3 or 4 persons to a table.  Masks are a requirement!
We then had a ten-minute breakout room session where apparently, Peg (Heather's Mom) discussed Scrapple.  Phil has some in his freezer if anyone is interested.