Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN)
Breakout Room Experiment
Kini-Ana Tinkham spoke to the group about the Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN).  They help individuals in dealing with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) to help build the health and well-being of Maine people through resilience.  MBRN provides education to schools, businesses, and organizations about community issues and how to deal with Adverse Childhood Experiences.  More information may be found at
In an effort to try to establish something approaching "normal", President Richard introduced Breakout Rooms as an experiment in social interaction within the club.  Groups of four or five members were randomly assigned to a virtual Breakout Room on Zoom.  For five minutes, smaller groups were able to discuss anything that came to mind - baseball, weather, browntail moths - whatever!  The experiment was judged to be a great success and will continue at future Zoom meetings for probably 10 minutes.  It was also judged that the random nature of the rooms should continue.
Sgt. At Arms:  There were some Happy Dollars, Announcement Dollars, etc.  A small discussion regarding last week's question regarding how to help Belfast recover from the current economic crisis resulted in Duke Marston and Kristine Wentworth agreeing to speak with the Chamber of Commerce and Our Town Belfast to see what Rotary could do to help.
The recent Board Meeting was discussed.  There is a small committee working on developing criteria for when we might return to in-person meetings at the Shrine Club.  They are expected to report back in 7-10 days.  There will be a dues reduction of $15.  RI has reduced its dues because of Covid-19 and we are not paying for meals at the Shrine Club. 
The members in attendance were encouraged to reach out to non-attendees and invite them to our Zoom sessions.